Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Check another one off the list - Eastern Market

I could have picked a better day to visit Eastern Market for the first time, but... I didn't.

It was a dreary, rainy Sunday morning and I thought about switching my plan to go to one of the museums on my list, but I wasn't in a museum mood.

It wasn't totally pouring, more like one step up from a drizzle. A steady rain, but not the kind that actually gets you drenched, so I headed downtown and found parking a few blocks from the Market.

Compared to other Markets I've been to in Philly and Baltimore, Eastern Market was fairly unimpressive. I figured it would be filled with restaurants and I could get breakfast there, but... it wasn't. There was one bakery that had bagels and one full service restaurant that had a LONG line and otherwise, some fruit stands, deli stands, a place with lots of yummy looking pasta and an abundance of butchers. If I lived in the neighborhood I could see myself stopping in there as my Farmer's Market, but it wasn't really worth the drive over.

Outside, along side the market and in a lot across the street were other vendors - jewelry, clothes, handbags, cards and more fruits and veggies. I'm guessing on a nicer day those areas are packed with more vendors.

So, my visit wasn't a waste of time, I checked something off the 'to-do' list and found a new option for gift shopping, I'll just make sure my next visit is on a nicer day!

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