Friday, January 4, 2013

Interruption in the Regularly Scheduled Blogging

I owe you two more book recap posts, but those will wait another day or so.

I had a long 24 hours, but a big chunk of it was spent with this cutie pie, so I can't really complain.

I took a vacation day today to hang out with Wiggles and her parents before they head back out west tomorrow. Last night after work I drove up to stay with my mom in order to maximize my time with the munchkin today.

We went out to breakfast at Friendly's and then back to her grandparents house to just hang out. 18 months is a fun age. She's got personality and she's like a sponge, just soaking up everything going on around her. She's got a pretty good vocabulary and is fairly easy to understand for the most part, but, when she isn't, it's damn funny.

Several times Wiggles started in on a monologue. She was fiesty, fired up and trying to tell us something. Unfortunately her mom, dad and I had no clue what it was. I wish I could have caught it on video, but I knew as soon as the camera appeared it would have changed her focus and ruined the moment.

I didn't even take a pictures of her today, the one above is snagged from her Aunt's Facebook page. I just enjoyed the time and was in the moment and hope it was enough to tide me over until she returns next summer.

(It wasn't. I miss her already. Thanks goodness for Skype.)

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