Friday, November 15, 2013

In Flight Entertainment

I'm writing from the plane, on my way home from a staff retreat.

On the way out there were about 18 colleagues on my flight. While I really do enjoy my coworkers I was pretty happy to have a stranger sit down next to me. We chatted a bit, he commented on the book we were all reading in preparation for the meeting, and mentioned he was headed to a conference but that was the extent of it. 

On this flight there are even more people from my office. 

And the same stranger. 

I sat down first, with coworkers surrounding me and the aisle seat open. Mr. Stranger came walking down and realized he was back in the midst of the same chatty group as on the way out. As he got to his seat he saw one of my coworkers was in it. She was starting to grab her stuff to switch when he told her not to worry, it was just one row different and he took her seat instead - next to me. 

Thank you Mr. Stranger. 

After two full days of personality assessments, trust building, touchy feely sharing and constantly being on it sure is nice to put in my ear buds and zone out without feeling like I'm being rude. 

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